Bovine Neonatology, Folder, 5.4Mb
Equine Artificial Insemination, Folder, 2.9Mb
www.Vetclub.tk arabian veterinary med. Ass, Folder, 21Mb
Applied Veterinary Gynaecology and Obstetrics, 377tr, 21.7Mb
Arthur's Veterinary Reproduction and Obstetrics, 844tr, 36.4Mb
Artificial Insemination in Farm Animals 2011, 312tr, 6.9Mb
Beef Feedlot System Manual, 26tr, 600k
Beef Production in Crop – Livestock systems simple approaches for complex problems, 160tr, 4.3Mb
Broiler Breeder Production, 339tr, 5.4Mb
Broodmare Reproduction for the Equine Practitioner, 249tr, 4.6Mb
Calving Care Cow, 81tr, 20.8Mb
Cattle Embryo Transfer Procedure, 135tr, 4.1Mb
Clinical Canine and Feline Preproduction, 335tr, 5.3Mb
Color atlas of Reproductive Pathology of Domestic Animals, 139tr, 213Mb
Comparative Preproduction Biology, 412tr, 12.9Mb
Controlled Reproduction in Cattle and Buffaloes, 513tr, 40.6Mb
Current Therapy in Equine Reproduction, 494tr 34Mb
Dairy Cattle Fertility and Sterility, 92tr, 18.4Mb
Dairy Production Medicine, 365tr, 11.4Mb
Domestic Duck Production, 251tr, 2.52Mb
Equine Breeding Management and Artificial Insemination, 304tr, 40.4Mb
Equine Neonatal Medicine, 287tr, 28Mb
Equine Pediatric Medicine, 353tr, 17.8Mb
Equine Reproduction, 2nd Edition, 3310tr, 75.2Mb
Equine Reproductive Physiology - Breeding and Stud Management, 383tr, 10.5Mb
Essentials of Domestic Animals Embryology, 470tr, 41.2Mb
Factors Affecting Calf Corp - Biotechnology of Reproduction, 321tr, 4.48Mb
Fertility and Obstetrics in the Horse, 286tr, 1.77Mb
Goat Science and Production, 446tr, 5.57Mb
Handbook of Veterinary Obstetrics - 2nd Edition, 261tr, 22.3Mb
In Vitro Fertilization A Practical Approach, 529tr, 6.33Mb
Laboratory Production of Cattle Embryos, 577tr, 11.8Mb
Manual for Diagnosis and Treatment of Preproductive Disorsder Dairy Catle, 185tr, 6.4Mb
Manual of Equine Reproduction (Third Edition), 332tr, 35.2Mb
Manual of Veterinary Dietetics, 253tr, 3.12Mb
Manual on Avian Production and Management, 165tr, 4.8Mb
McDonalds Veterinary Endocrinology & Reproduction, 624tr, 25.4Mb
Mechanistic Modelling In Pig And Poultry Production, 343tr, 2.14Mb
Modern Livestock & Poultry Production - 8th Edition, 1073tr, 31Mb
Pathways to Pregnancy and Parturition, 381tr,117Mb
Poultry Production Watering Cage Systems Manual, 38tr, 585k
Principles of Cattle Production, 283tr, 39.7Mb
Reproduction in Domestic Ruminants VII, 637tr, 6.53Mb
Reproduction in Farm Animals, 542tr, 21.4Mb
Reproductive Technologies in Farm Animals, 347tr, 5.6Mb
Running Small Beef Herd, 175tr, 9.8Mb
Small Animal Pediatrics - The First 12 Months of Life, 533tr, 44.6Mb
Small-Scale Poultry Production, 6otr, 550Mb
Teamwork in Poultry Production, 280tr, 12Mb
The Economics of Animal Health and Production, 385tr, 2.17Mb
Veterinary Embriology, 390tr, 97Mb
Veterinary Embryology (class notes), 77tr, 5.74Mb
Veterinary Pediatrics, 570tr, 48.7Mb
Veterinary Parasitology
A Concise Guide to Infectious and Parasitic Diseases of Dogs and Cats, Folder, 3.4Mb
Arthropod borne Infectious Diseases, 135tr, 5.96Mb
Dictionary of Parasitology, 408tr, 29.2Mb
Encyclodepic Reference of Parasitology, Rar, 20.4Mb
Eriophyoid Mites - Progress and Prognoses, 308tr, 4.28Mb
Georgis' Parasitology for Veterinarians - 9th Edition, Epub, 52.6Mb
Guidelines for Surveillance for Plant Pests in the Asian and Pacific, 192tr, 3.3Mb
Handbook of Veterinary Parasitology Domestic Animals of North America, 258tr, 10.2Mb
Modern Parasitology A Textbook of Parasitology, 294tr, 110Mb
Parasitic Flatworms, 56tr, 1.1Mb
Parasitic Infections of Domestic Animals, 444tr, 28.4Mb
Pfizer Atlas of Veterinary Clinical Parasitology, 45tr, 7.66Mb
Progress in Parasitology - Parasitology Research Monographs, 351tr, 6.72Mb
Taenia Solium Cysticercosis, 474tr, 7.41Mb
Ticks - All About, 517tr, 3.9Mb
Veterinary Ectoparasite - Biology, Phatology and Control, 274tr, 2.74Mb
Veterinary Helminthology and Entomology, 451tr, 26.6Mb
Veterinary Parasitology (Practical Veterinarian) 2001, 324tr, 2.45Mb
Veterinary Parasitology Reference Manual, 241tr, 25.2Mb
Veterinary Protozoology 1948, 206tr, 6.89Mb
Worm Control for Small Ruminants in Tropical Asia, 272tr, 5.47Mb
Veterinary Microbiology (Virus, Bacteria...)
Avian Influenza, 611tr, 7.93Mb
Basic Virology, 581tr, 17.6Mb
Canine Coronaviruses Epidemiology - Evolution and Pathobiology, 412tr, 785k
Clinical Veterinary Microbiology, 646tr, 254Mb
Desk Encyclopedia of Animal and Bacterial Virology, 637tr, 16.2Mb
Diagnostic Microbiology, Beily and Scott, 1062tr, 1G
Diagnostic Virology Protocols (Methods in Molecular Medicine), 370tr, 27.4Mb
Encyclopedia of Food Microbiology Vol.1-3 (AP, 1999), 2449tr, 232Mb
Encyclopedia of Virology, 3057tr, 190Mb
Essentials of Veterinary Bacteriology and Mycology, 268tr, 98.3Mb
Fenner Veterinary Virology, 491tr, 70.2Mb
Ferandes R. (ed.) Microbiology Handbook - Dairy Products, 174tr, 903k
Introduction to Modern Virology, 531tr, 6.39Mb
Microbiological Analysis of Red Meat, Poultry and Eggs, 365tr, 1.73M
Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, 976tr, 44.5Mb
Mycoplasma Diseases of Ruminants, 254tr, 4.62Mb
Parvoviruses, 651tr, 12.5Mb
Pathogenesis of Bacterial Infections in Animals, 651tr, 7.15Mb
Practical Atlas for Bacterial Identification, 325tr, 16.7Mb
Salmonella in Domestic Animals, 474tr, 4.7Mb
Simian Virology 2009, 537tr, 4.54Mb
Textbook of Veterinary Virology, 356tr, 15.8Mb
The Clostridia, 555tr, 31.7Mb
The Dictionary of Virology, 518tr, 2.48Mb
Trends in Emerging Viral Infections of Swine, 366tr, 4.26Mb
Vet Microbiology – Quinn, 479tr, 54.3Mb
Veterinary Microbiology and Microbial Disease, Epub, 17.5Mb
Veterinary Microbiology By Dwight C. Hirsh, Yuan Chung Zee, 482tr, 12.8Mb
Veterinary Virology, 641tr, 70.5Mb
Veterinary Pathology
Color Atlas of Pathology, 479tr, 130Mb
Color Atlas of Veterinary Pathology, 193tr, 29.6Mb
Fundamentals of Veterinary Clinical Pathology, 934tr, 158Mb
Pathogenesis of Bacterial Infections in Animals - 3nd, 459tr, 4.61Mb
Pathogenesis of Bacterial Infections in Animals - 4nd, 651tr, 8.76Mb
Pathologic Basis of Veterinary Diseases, Djvu, 35.2Mb
Pathologic Basis of Veterinary Diseases, 1470tr, 294Mb
Pathology & Parasitology for Veterinary Technicians, 319tr, 9.97Mb
Principles of Bacterial Pathogenesis, 843tr, 49.6Mb
Veterinary Clinical Pathology Secrets, 424tr, 16.2Mb