Guide to Raising Pigs, folder, 4.36mb
Swine Diseases – 9th Edition, folder, 301mb
A Colour Atlas of Diseases and Disorders of the Pig, 186tr, 35.2mb
An Outline of Swine Diseases, 204tr, 5.2mb
Managing Pig Health, 1294tr, 8.7mb
Modern Pig Production Technology, 613tr, 4.8mb
Multi-Site Pig Production – Harris, 228tr, 2mb
Pig Industry Quality Manual, 155tr, 4.4mb
Pig Production, 422tr, 11mb
Pork Producer Headlines, 7tr, 2.3mb
Swine Care Handbook, 41tr, 172k
Swine Disease – 9th, 1172, 86mb
Swine in the Laboratory Surgery, Anesthesia, Imaging and Experimental Techniques, 494tr, 21mb
Swine Pneumonia, 6tr, 217mb
Symposium on Swine - Housing and Well-Being, 97tr, 1.5mb
Whittemore's Science and Practice of pig Production, 705tr, 5.4mb
Veterinary Rabbits, Rodents, Ferrets
Ferrets, Rabbits and Rodents - Clinical Medicine and Surgery, 600tr, 103mbManual of Clinical Procedures in Dogs, Cats, Rabbits and Rodents, 405tr, 15.6mb
Pathology of Laboratory Rodents and Rabbits, 331tr, 14.5mb
Rabbit Biotechnology, 135tr, 19.7mb
Rabbits - Health, Husbandry and Diseases, 184tr, 10.6mb
Radiology Rodents, Rabbits and Ferrets, 298tr, 21mb
Self-assessment Colour Review of Rabbit Medicine and Surgery, 93tr, 96mb
When Your Rabbit Needs Special Care, 458tr, 9.3mb
Veterinary Avian
Chicken Health Handbook, folder, 5.48mbA Colour Atlas of Poultry Disease - An Aid to Farmers and Poultry Professionals, 131tr, 14.8mb
A Colour Atlas of Poultry Diseases, 213tr, 82.2mb
Avian Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 286tr, 8.32mb
Avian Gut Function in Health and Disease 2007, 431tr, 282mb
Avian Influenza A Veterinary Perspective, 26tr, 611k
Avian Medicine Principles and Application - Ritchie Harrison, 1384tr, 28.4mb
Biology of Breeding Poultry, 479tr, 6.85mb
British Poultry Standards, 480tr, 10.6mb
Clinical Avian Medicine - Vol1, 1052tr, 38.6mb
Communication in Poultry Grower Relations-A Blueprint to Success, 242tr, 10.8mb
Control of Poultry Mites (Dermanyssus), 183tr, 6.3mb
Egg Production in Furnished Cages, 46tr, 6.8mb
Handbook of Poultry Science and Technology_ Volume 1, 806tr, 3.7mb
Handbook of Poultry Science and Technology_ Volume 2, 632tr, 2.5mb
Handbook on Poultry Diseases, 210tr, 10.8mb
Important Poultry Disease Handbook Intervet, 90tr, 1.1mb
Poultry Biosecurity Manual, 44tr, 957k
Poultry Coccidiosis - Dianostic and Testing Procedures, 168tr, 3.3mb
Poultry Diseases Influenced by Gastrointestinal Health, 149tr, 5.2mb
Poultry Production Best Management Pactices, 32tr, 665mb
Poultry Production in Hot Climates, 401tr, 3.67mb
Poultry Products Processing An Industry Guide, 540tr, 17.6mb
Seft- Assessment Review of Avian Medicine, 193tr, 9.2mb
Storey's Guide to Raising Chicken, epub, 11mb
The Urban Hen - Guide to Keeping Poultry in the Town, 172tr, 1.4mb
Antimicrobial Therapy in Exotics - Vol 20,No3(A) 1998, 50tr, 18mb
Diagnostic Imaging of Exotic Pets, 468tr, 26.7mb
Endoscopy Equipment and Instrumentation for Use in Exotic Animal Veterinary, 164tr, 22mb
Exotic Animal Medicine for the Veterinary Technician 1st Edition, 392tr, 75.4mb
Exotic Companion Medicine Handbook for Veterinarians, 617tr, 4.3mb
Exotic Pet Behavior Birds, Reptiles, and Small Mammals, 367tr, 9.3mb
Exotic Small Mammal Care, 198tr, 7.2mb
Ferret Husbandry Medicine and Surgery (Second Edition), 515tr, 53.3mb
Manual of Exotic Pet Practice, 552tr, 73mb
Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging Birds, Exotic Pets, and Wildlife, 435tr, 32.6mb
Domestic Animal
A Colour Atlas of Livestock Breeds, 270tr, 55.3mbAdvance Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals, 517tr, 18.4mb
Care of the New Born Domestic Animals, 31tr, 380k
Clinical Examination on Farms Animals, 322tr, 5.8mb
Common Diseases of Farm Animals - R. A. Craig, 145tr, 542k
Diseases and Disorders of the Domestic Fowl and Turkey, 165tr, 31.8mb
Domestic Animals Systemic - Regional Approach, 660tr, 160mb
Farm Animal Practice Self-Assessment Picture Test in Veterianry Medicine, 152tr, 22.4mb
FMD Ageing Lesions, 60tr, 1.33mb
Foot and Mouth Disease, 120tr, 6.87mb
Genetics and Evolution of The Domestic Fowl, 319tr, 6.8mb
Hair Loss Disorders in Domestic Animals, 284tr, 31.3mb
Jubb, Kennedy & Palmer's Pathology of Domestic Animals, 2206tr, 307mb
Textbook of Veterinary Internal Medicine (Pocket Companion), 868tr, 199mb
The Economics of Animal Health and Production, 384tr, 2.5mb
The Ethology of Domestic Animals An Introductory Text, 214tr, 10.4mb
The Ostrich Biology Production and Health, 368tr, 5.9mb
Veterinary Clinical Biochemistry of Domestic Animals, 896tr, 19.7mb
Veterinary Clinical Examination and Diagnosis, 621tr, 119mb
A textbook of the Diseases of Catle, Sheep, Goats, Pigs and Horses, 2162tr, 97.3mb