Biotechnology in Animal Feeds and Animal Feeding, folder, 32.4mb
The Genetics of Cattle, folder, 15.7mb
Animal Cell Technology - Basic and Applied Aspects, 341tr, 32.5mb
Animal Genomics - Volume 102, 370tr, 7.9mb
Applications of Gene-Based Technologies for Improving Animal Production and Health in Developing Countries, 787tr, 7.6mb
Biotechnology in Animal Feeds and Animal Feeding, 359tr, 20.9mb
Essential Genes, 608tr, 38.9mb
Livestock Biodiversity Genetic Resources for the Farming of the Future, 282tr, 3.5mb
Methods in Biotechnology Human press Animal Cell Biotechnology, 520tr, 4mb
Methods in Enzemology, 567tr, 7mb
Poultry Genetics Breeding and Biotechnology, 721tr, 9.4mb
Principles Of Animal Cell Culture, 305tr, 13.7mb
The State of the World’s Animal Genetic-FAO, 51tr, 3.7mb
Veterinary Genetics, 329tr, 64.3mb
Animal Laboratory
The Laboratory Swine, folder, 26mb
Anesthesia and Analgesia in Laboratory Animals, 644tr, 8.7mb
Calculations for molecular biology and biotechnology, 315, 15.7mb
Calculations for Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, 315tr, 15.7mb
Catalog LSI 2012 Veterinary Diagnostic kits Elisa PCR, 60tr, 2.9mb
Handbook of Laboratory Animal Science - Vol I, 548tr, 24mb
Handbook of Laboratory Animal Science - Vol II, 280tr, 5.4mb
Handbook of Laboratory Animal Science - Vol III, 319tr, 2.8mb
Lab Animals in Research & Teaching, 158tr, 9.6mb
Laboratory Profiles of Small Animal Diseases, 610tr, 183mb
Managing the Laboratory Animal Facility, 326tr, 3.9mb
The Real-Time TaqMan PCR and Applications in Veterinary Medicine, 15tr, 106k
Ready to Use PCR-Kits, 30tr, 4mb
Small Animal Clinical Diagnosis by Laboratory Methods - 4th Edition, 445tr, 13mb
Small Animal Clinical Diagnosis by Laboratory Methods - 5th edition, 427tr, 27.2mb
Springers Principles and Technical Aspects of PCR Amplification, 332tr, 18.7mb
The Care and Management of Laboratory and Other Research Animal, 849tr, 19mb
The ELISA Guidebook, 446tr, 6.2mb
The Laboratory Rat-By George J. Krinke, 741tr, 209mb
Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratories, 12tr, 591k
Veterinary Laboratory Medicine, An Issue of Clinics in Laboratory Medicine, 232tr, 8.4mb
Veterinary Laboratory Medicine, 386tr, 1.5mb
Veterinary PCR Diagnostics, 144tr, 4mb
Animal Nutrition
Modelling Nutrient Utilization in Farm Animals, folder, 3.4mb
Nutrient Requirements of Dairy Cattle, folder, 25mb
The Antioxidant Vitamins C and E, folder, 7.9mb
The Use Of Drugs In Food Animals, folder, 3mb
Tropical Animal Feeding (A manual for research worker), folder, 1.8mb
Advances in Equine Nutrition IV, 443tr, 2mb
Aminoacids in Animal Nutrition, 515tr, 2.6mb
Applied Veterinary Clinical Nutrition, 402tr, 26.7mb
Canine and Feline Nutrition, 542tr, 12mb
Commercial Poultry Nutrition, 413tr, 3.5mb
Dairy Goats Feeding and Nutritition, 307tr, 2.2mb
Dairy Sheep Nutrition, 234tr, 3.4mb
Digestive Disease in Dogs and Cats, 295tr, 12.5mb
Dog Diet - The right Food for Your Dog, 85tr, 1.3mb
Encyclopedia of Canine Clinical Nutrition, 514tr, 26.1mb
Encyclopedia of Farm Animal Nutrition, 621tr, 5.7mb
Encyclopedia of Feline Nutrition, 506tr, 26mb
Enzymes in Poultry and Swine Nutrition, 154tr, 7.2mb
Equine Nutrition and Feeding, 663tr, 5.1mb
Farm Animal Metabolism and Nutrition, 432tr, 2.3mb
Handbook - Poultry Nutrient Requirements and Specifications, 12tr, 1.9mb
Handbook - Poultry Nutrition and Feeding, 16tr, 217k
Handbook of Farm, Dairy and Food Machinery, 768tr, 11.6mb
Handbook Of Poultry Nutrition, 282tr, 41.2mb
Home Prepared Dog and Cat Diets (Second Edition), 558tr, 2mb
Integrative Wildlife Nutrition (Springer 2009), 346tr, 5.9mb
Mathematical Modelling in Animal Nutrition, 588tr, 4.2mb
Mineral Tolerance of Animals, 511tr, 10.2mb
Nutrient Digestion and Utilization in Farm Animals, 469tr, 3.6mb
Nutrition and Feeding of Organic Poultry, 323tr, 1.9mb
Nutrition and Feeding Organic Poultry, 322tr, 2.1mb
Nutrition and Fertility in Dairy Cows, 311tr, 20mb
Nutritional Biochemistry of the Vitamins, 514tr, 4.4mb
Probiotic Solution, 191tr, 1.3mb
Recent Advances in Animal Nutrition 2008, 381tr, 6.2mb
Recent Advances in Animal Nutrition 2009, 344tr, 3.5mb
Residues of Some Veterinary Drugs in Animals and Foods, 87tr, 1mb
Small Animal Nutrition, 200tr, 9.6mb
The Natural Pet Food – Cookbook, 130tr, 2.3mb
Understanding Equine Nutrition, 186tr, 4.7mb
Vitamin C Its Functions and Biochemistry in Animals and Plants, 374tr, 3mb
Vitamin Tolerance of Animals, chm, 549k
Voluntary Food Intake and Diet Selection in Farm Animal, 462tr, 3mb
Breeding Practice
Breeding for Disease Resistance in Farm Animals, folder, 4.4mb
A Dictionary Of Science, 904tr, 10.8mb
Aminoacids in Animal Nutrition, 515tr, 2.7mb
Analyses for Hormonal Substances in Food-Producing Animals, 237tr, 4mb
Animal By-Product Processing & Ultilization, 533tr, 4.6mb
Animal Cell Culture, 334tr, 38.6mb
Biogas Plants in Animal Husbandry, 157tr, 16.7mb
Biology of Breeding Poultry, 479tr, 7mb
Biology of Nutrition in Growing Animals, 599tr, 5.5mb
Breeding for Disease Resistance in Farm Animals - 3 edition, 370tr, 3.7mb
Encyclopedia of AquaCulture, 1076tr, 22.5mb
Food Waste to Animal Feed, 293tr, 2.2mb
Handbook for Small Scale, 51tr, 1.4mb
Handbook of Analysis of Edible Animal By-Products, 442tr, 10.8mb
Hormonal Regulation of Farm Animal Growth, 231tr, 2mb